Back to School

Dear Parent/Guardian/Student:

We are excited to begin North Putnam High School’s 52nd year on August 10, 2020.  In order to prepare for the beginning of the school year, we ask that you read through this entire document carefully.  It has been a busy summer, and with COVID-19 in the midst, we know everyone is apprehensive about the start of the school year.  While our building has changed due to construction, we will also be making modifications to our processes to maintain a safe and clean environment for our students and staff.  If after reading through this document and the links associated, you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  The HS office will reopen for phone calls beginning on Monday, July 27th.  Onsite registration will be held on Monday, August 3rd from 12:00-7:00 PM.


Jason A. Chew

School Calendar:

For a copy of our school calendar for the 2020-2021 school year, please follow this link.

COVID-19 Back to School Plan:

Dr. Singer shared this plan with the community earlier, but I provide a link here for your reference.  This is a fluid situation, and we are taking the steps necessary to be prepared for your student to re enter our building safely.

2020-2021 Student Course Schedules:

It has been a busy summer at NPHS.  Unfortunately COVID-19 did not give us much time to work with your students in developing and correcting their schedules for the 2020-2021 school year.  Your student’s schedule may be missing a course, have duplicated courses, or does not match your student’s request.  North Putnam’s office will open on Monday, July 27th, and our office staff will be working diligently to correct these errors.

In order to assist students in requesting schedule changes or modifications, students or parents can complete this Form, which will assist our counselors and administrators in completing these scheduling requests.  Please leave contact information in the event we need to contact you directly.

Textbook Rental Payments:  

We respectfully request that students who are requesting schedule changes, or students who have incomplete schedules wait to complete any textbook rental payments at this time.

Free/Reduced Lunch/Textbook Application:

This application can be found on your student’s Harmony portal.  If you require assistance in completing this form, please contact our office during normal business hours after July 27, 2020.

Locker Request:

As part of our Covid-19 Safety Measures, lockers will not be assigned at the beginning of the year.  Students may request a locker, if they would like to be issued one.  However, we are allowing students to carry their book bags in the hallway and take them to classrooms.  If your student would like to request a locker he/she may do so by completing this form.

2020-2021 Student Handbook

Follow the above link to read the student handbook for the upcoming school year.

North Putnam Virtual Classroom:

In response to the pandemic, NPCSC developed a virtual classroom option for students for the 2020-2021 school year.  The Virtual Classroom Handbook can be found by following this link.  This handbook outlines the policies and procedures related to this new virtual opportunity.  Students/parents wishing to take this option should complete the online application prior to August 1st in order to be considered.  The online application can be located here.  The application will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Harmony Family Access:

Harmony’s Family Access has been turned on to allow you to begin registering for the 2020-2021 school year.  We are excited to see everyone back on campus for the first day of school, Monday, August 10th.  In order to register for the new school year, please go to your Harmony Page and complete the Registration Tasks.  For assistance in setting up an account, please see the instructions below.  If you still have questions or need assistance, please contact our office beginning on Monday, July 27th, when our office will be open.

Harmony Assistance:

To login go to:

If you have an account and are able to log in you do not need to set up a new account. 

If you have an account and do not remember your password, please select the "forgot my password" on the Harmony3 login page and follow the prompts to reset your password.

If you have an account, but do not remember the login information you will need to create a new account following the steps listed below.

To set up your account:

- Using a web browser go to

- You will see a sign in screen. Since you do not have an account, touch create an account here

Once you have set up an account you will simply enter your user name and password and touch sign in.

- On the Create my account screen, enter your first name, last name, and email address

- Enter a user name (this can be, but does not have to be, an email address)

- Enter a password

- Type the same password again to confirm you have entered it correctly

- Touch register

Harmony will confirm the data is properly entered and the user name is available to be used. If you need to complete any data or choose a different user name, you will be prompted to do so.

After setting up your account, you will be prompted to enter the registration code for the student and his/her date of birth(MM/DD/YYYY). This will then link ^FN^ to your account.

The registration code for ^FN^ ^LN^ is ^RegCode^

Once you enter your student’s registration code, you may be prompted to choose which Push Notification Profile belongs to you. If you have set up a Push Notification Profile for this student in the past, you will have this opportunity to link that profile to your new account. If none of the available profiles found for ^FN^ are yours, select none of these and touch Ok.

If you have another student, you can enter his/her code at this time or you can use the Manage Account link to add other students at a later time. You do not need to create separate accounts for each student! Simple enter the registration code for each student to link all your students to your account.

You only need to create your account one time. Next time you want to review your student’s information, enter your user name and password on the sign in screen and touch sign in.

After adding the students, touch any of the student’s names to see his/her account. To switch between accounts, touch on the name of any student to see their information.

Progress Reports- shows all the classes the student is currently enrolled in and their letter grade and percent for that class.

- If you would like to email the teacher you can touch the teacher’s name or email icon to generate an email to the teacher

- Touch on the graph icon to see a list of all assignments for that class this grading period

- A breakdown of the student’s percent by each category is listed

- This will also show you a graphical distribution of the student’s grades. The green line shows the student’s overall percentage, while the blue line shows their percentage for that particular assignment. This is a great way to see the impact of a single assignment on the overall grade.

Attendance- shows each absence, tardy or left early for the student. You will be able to see if the entry was excused/unexcused and the reason entered for the entry. You can also see how the entry counts towards the total days missed for the student.

Discipline- shows all discipline entries (both classroom and office) for the student. You can see the infraction, action taken, as well as who reported the discipline incident and who handled the incident. Depending on the infraction, you may be able to see comments entered regarding the incident.

Homework Agenda- shows you all lessons entered for the current week. The homework agenda shows you by day, the lessons entered for each class your student is enrolled in. You can use the previous and next links to see prior or upcoming data a week at a time.

Schedule- shows you all classes your student is currently enrolled in. You can also see their locker number and combination in this area. This may not be available for your elementary students.

Cafe- shows you the student’s current cafe balance as well as their activity (meals and

payments) for the current month. You can use the previous and next links to review activity a month at a time.

Push Notification- allows you to edit existing profiles or create a new profile for the student. You can choose when you want to be notified about the student’s performance. You can then choose if you want to be notified by email and/or text. The notifications are sent at 5pm each week day.

When you are finished reviewing the information for your student(s) touch log out