Dear Parent/Guardian/Student:
As we prepare for the first day of school, please take time to read this document, and review with your student prior to Monday morning.
1. Health of our School:
Each parent, student and staff member is responsible for the health and wellbeing of our school community. Each day, each student and staff member should complete a self screening. Each person should take their temperature and monitor their body for any signs or symptoms of the COVID-19 virus.
The signs and symptoms as identified by the Center for Disease Control are:
Fever of 100.4° F or greater
Congestion or runny nose
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, stay home., report your absence with our school attendance clerk, and let us know the reason. Our attendance clerk will assist you with the next steps regarding return to school. We also recommend that you contact your personal care physician.
We believe our students need to be in school. By staying home when you are sick, you are helping us stay in school. Regular communication with school will allow us to work through any issues that may arise due to the COVID-19 virus.
2. Masks:
Students are expected to wear a mask on the bus, entering the building, and throughout the school day when social distancing can not be maintained. The only exception to this is when eating either breakfast or lunch. Our teachers will attempt to provide mask breaks when social distancing can be achieved. Students will be issued a washable cloth mask during their first period class. If possible, we ask that all students come to school with their own mask.
3. Doors Open
HS/MS doors will open at 7:50 each day. We ask that you plan accordingly.
When students arrive they may eat breakfast in the cafeteria, meet in the renovated media center, walk down the hallways, and/or go to their first period class early at the discretion of their teacher. We ask that all high school students remain in the high school.
School runs daily from 8:15-3:17
This year NPHS will have a staggered release in order to limit the number of students in the hallways at the end of the day.
5. Student Schedules
Students will not be provided with a paper schedule on the first day of school. Students should log into their Harmony account and use the schedule provided. While most of the schedules are currently set, some schedules may change in order to balance class sizes. Students should check their schedule prior to attending first period class. Schedule changes should be requested using this form, and all schedule changes must be initiated prior to Friday, August 14th.
6. Car Rider Drop Off/Pick Up Area:
This drop off/pick up area is located in the circle drive in front of the middle school. Students will enter Door 6. Students may enter the building at 7:50 and will be released starting at 3:11. Parents are encouraged to pull as far forward as possible before letting your student get out of the car.
7. Cafeteria
Breakfast - The HS Cafeteria will be open for breakfast each day from 7:50-8:05. During our adjustment period, this may stay open later; however, we will be targeting 8:05 to close the kitchen.
Lunch - Students will have assigned seats in the cafeteria, and students will be released from their seats to the lunch lines. We believe we can do this efficiently and our students will still have plenty of time to eat. There will be an adjustment period.
Students can eat from the kitchen or may bring their own lunches. There are three microwaves available for high school students to warm up their personal lunches.
8. Lockers
Locker use is optional. Your student must request a locker, if he/she would like to use one. This is the form to do this. Students are asked to limit the materials they keep in their locker, and to take home all school materials each night in the event we move to extended elearning.
Students are allowed to carry a backpack to class.
9. Water Bottles:
Student water fountains are not available due to COVID-19 restrictions. Students are allowed to bring their own water bottles to school each day. Water is also available for purchase in vending machines and during lunch or breakfast from the kitchen.
10. AM Area 30:
The AM Area 30 bus will leave promptly each day at 8:15. Students are expected to be on the bus ready to leave at 8:15. On the first day of school, AM Area 30 students will meet in the auditorium at 8:15 to discuss Area 30 rules and procedures.