Parents/Guardians of Area 30 students:
I wanted to address Area 30 students and their schedule separately in an attempt to clear up any confusion regarding your student.
Area 30 students will attend North Putnam High School classes on their assigned day (Blue/Orange). Area 30 students will attend Area 30 as well on their assigned day as normal via transportation provided by the school corporation. Students who are not in attendance at NPHS may still attend Area 30 utilizing their own transportation, or may arrive at NPHS and ride down on the school corporation provided bus. Students who do not attend Area 30 will have activities or lessons provided online via Area 30 classroom teachers.
For example: John is a Blue Day student. He will attend NPHS classes on Tuesday, January 19th and ride the Area 30 bus on this day for his Area 30 classes as well. On Wednesday, January 20th (Orange Day), John will not attend his NPHS classes, but may attend Area 30 as normal utilizing his own transportation or riding the school provided bus.
On Tuesday, January 26, 11th grade students will not attend Area 30, but 12th grade students will. Juniors will have activities to complete in the afternoon after the PSAT.
Daily Schedule:
Monday, January 18 - No School
Tuesday, January 19 - Blue Day
Wednesday, January 20 - Orange Day
Thursday, January 21 - Blue Day
Friday, January 22 - Orange Day
Monday, January 25 - Blue Day
Tuesday, January 26 - PSAT Testing - 10th & 11th grades IN ATTENDANCE at NPHS
Grades 9 & 12 - eLearning Day at home
Wednesday, January 27 - Orange Day
Thursday, January 28 - Blue Day
Friday, January 29 - Orange Day
Jason A. Chew