April 19, 2021
Dear Students/Parents/Guardians:
Good afternoon, the purpose of this communication is to draw attention to some important items that parents/students should be aware of:
Wednesday, April 21 officially marks the midterm of the last quarter of our school year. We encourage our students to finish the semester strong by completing all work and preparing for all assessments as the school year draws to a close.
Area 30 Course Registration:
A reminder to parents that in order for students to be enrolled in courses at Area 30, they must complete the online enrollment paperwork that gets emailed directly to parents. Students are not given spots in these programs until this has been completed. The deadline to complete this process is quickly approaching. If you are unsure if your student has been enrolled, please contact Mrs. Jessica Neild (jneild@nputnam.k12.in.us. )
Prom will be held this Saturday at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds. It is important that only healthy students who have not come in contact with any Covid positive persons attend the prom. All students will be asked a set of screening questions upon arrival, and be expected to wear a mask throughout the event.
We want our students to have a great time while also keeping themselves and others safe so that we can end the school year on a positive note.
Sexual Assault Awareness:
April is Sexual Assault Awareness month, and this week our school will be sharing some information to students regarding Sexual Assault, and attempting to educate students on how to keep themselves and others around them safe. It is important that parents also have conversations with their students about safe dating, and developing positive healthy relationships.
We know that these are uncomfortable conversations, and students/young adults do not enjoy them; however, it is important that parents have honest conversations about sex, treating individuals with respect, no means no, and so much more.
Unfortunately many of the most popular influences on adolescents these days treat relationships and sex as a casual act. I dare to guess none of these “stars” have ever had to counsel young people, or attempt to help them after being the victim of sexual assault or how to get themselves out of a toxic relationship. This happens within schools on a daily basis.
On Monday, Mrs. Weaver (School Counselor), created a short intro to this video. This video was meant to create conversation regarding this topic. Granted, we can not control that conversation among students, but it is our hope that students will recognize and understand the importance of consent in regards to sexual relationships. We encourage parents to watch the video above and use this nonthreatening video as a starter to important conversations.
This is the responsibility of all parents to ensure that our young people are safe. Whether you have a son or daughter, it is important to talk with them about how to treat others with respect, especially those in which you are attempting to develop a relationship with.
This article will be shared with students later this week, as well as a conversation with Officer Logan. This article about a Plainfield student is very similar to situations that have hit closer to home. While most high school sexual assault perpetrators are kept out of the news due to the ages of the perpetrators and victims, this young person was charged as an adult.
While the conversations are uncomfortable, they are important.
Senior Walk/Awards Program:
On Friday May 14th our seniors will take part in what has become a tradition at NPHS. Our seniors will walk through the Middle School and both elementaries in their cap and gown. This event is significant as it reconnects our schools and our students. We know that parents have in the past enjoyed getting pictures of their student walking their old hallways; however, unfortunately due to Covid we will not be allowing parents into the buildings. We will stream these walks utilizing social media platforms.
Likewise our Awards Program later that afternoon will also be streamed. The only guests we will allow into the gymnasium will be invited guests who will either receive awards or will be handing awards to students.
We know this is not ideal; however, we feel it is important for the health and safety of all our students.
Final Exam Schedule:
Please see the final exam schedule linked here.
Upcoming days of interest:
May 4 - MS Band/Choir Concert
May 5 - HS Band/Choir Concert
May 12 - Senior Honors Banquet
May 14 - approx. 12:30 - Senior Walk - no parents - streaming
May 14 - 2:00 - All School Awards Banquet - no parents - streaming
May 17-19 - Final Exams
May 19 - Last Day of School
May 28 - 9:00 AM - Graduation Rehearsal/Pictures
May 29 - 11:00 AM - Graduation
Class of 2021 Specific Information:
Senior Honors Banquet:
Senior Honors Banquet will be held on Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 PM in the High School Gymnasium. All seniors are welcome to attend. During this program, seniors will receive any graduation adornments they have earned while attending NPHS. This would include honor cords and academic/technical honor cords and medals. We will also recognize scholarship recipients during this program.
Covid restrictions will be in place during this program. Families will be asked to socially distance themselves in the audience, and everyone will be required to wear a mask while on campus.
Graduation Rehearsal Day:
Graduation rehearsal will be held on Friday, May 28th at 9:00 AM. This is a required activity for all seniors taking part in commencement ceremonies. Students will be asked to dress up as the official graduation portrait will be taken on this day. We will also take all class photos and group pictures during this time as well.
Parents are welcome to be present, but are asked to wear a mask and remain socially distanced from students.
Graduation is still scheduled and planned for Saturday, May 29th at 11:00 AM. More information regarding Covid restrictions will be announced later.
Reminder, students must be in good standing in order to participate in commencement.
Chromebook Collection
Seniors will be turning in their chromebooks no later than Wednesday, May 19th. Students will be given information on how to download and save any files they want to keep. Any fees associated with damage should be submitted through 1 to 1 prior to graduation.
Jason A. Chew