RPTG August Meeting Notes: A lot of great things happened at the meeting tonight. We brainstormed ideas for events and happenings this year! Liz Kirkham and Leah Reed have volunteered to be our points of contact for RPTG this year. Great things are happening at Roachdale this year! Come be a part of it! Join us for our next meeting, Tuesday, September 17 at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.
18 days ago, Bridget McCormick
Have you completed your forms on Power School? If you need help to do this, please call the school. It is important that all forms be updated with up-to-date information for the safety of your student. Please make sure that emergency contacts include anyone who may be picking up or contacting the school about your child. Again, please call the school if you have any questions!
19 days ago, Bridget McCormick
Join us on Friday in supporting our athletics by wearing blue and orange to school!! We hope to see you Friday night!!
24 days ago, Bridget McCormick
Check out the Back to School Edition of our Corporation Electronic Newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/x72nqa
about 1 month ago, North Putnam Community Schools
Did you miss our registration dates and still want to join the North Putnam Family? It's not too late, contact your student's potential building and set up a meeting with the building personnel to enroll your student today. All buildings are open and personnel ready to answer your phone call from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily. It's always a great day to be a part of Cougar Nation!
about 1 month ago, North Putnam Community Schools
Late Registration
Check out the mid July News from North Putnam Community Schools. https://secure.smore.com/n/6xe04
about 1 month ago, North Putnam Community Schools
Newsletter Header
North Putnam Community School Corporatin New Student Registration
about 2 months ago, Rodney Simpson
New Student Registration
NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION will be held at each building on July 31, 2024 from 1:00-6:00 p.m.
about 2 months ago, Rodney Simpson
We are thrilled to inform you about an amazing opportunity for our incoming kindergarten students. Our Jump Start Program, scheduled to run from July 15 to July 26, aims to help our new students get a head start on what to expect in school. We understand that some incoming kindergartners may be new to a classroom environment, which can be quite daunting. Others may have experiences causing them to feel anxious or unsafe. Research emphasizes the importance of students feeling safe and valued to fully engage in learning. Therefore, our focus in the Jump Start Program will be on creating a safe and positive environment while fostering strong relationships. This year, Jump Start will be held at Roachdale Elementary. Teachers from both Bainbridge and Roachdale will be guiding the students daily from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. We will arrange transportation from designated pick-up points and provide breakfast and lunch. If you are interested in having your child participate in this fantastic opportunity, kindly email Dan McMurtry or Brandon Wagler by July 1st. Dan McMurtry, dmcmurtry@nputnam.k12.in.us (Roachdale Elementary Guidance Counselor) Brandon Wagler, bwagler@nputnam.k12.in.us (Bainbridge Elementary Principal) Thank you for considering this enriching experience for your child! Warm regards, Dan McMurtry Roachdale Elementary Guidance Counselor
3 months ago, Dan McMurtry
North Putnam Community School Corporation will be hosting an early New Student Registration June 4th at all North Putnam schools 1:00-6:00 p.m. This is for any student/family that will be new to the North Putnam Community School District.
3 months ago, Rodney Simpson
New Student Early Registration
Roachdale Elementary congratulates the Class of 2024! A highlight every year is having seniors return for a final walk at our school. Enjoy the pictures of the Roachdale students in 5th grade and now as seniors.
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
Senior class
Senior class
senior class
Andrea Doss, Director of Dining for our Food Service Provider, Chartwells, wanted this information to be shared with our families. Please see the flyer for more details. Please contact Andrea Doss at adoss@nputnam.k12.in.us if you have any questions.
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
Our 5th grade went on a field trip to Hummel Park in Plainfield last week. They had the best fun going fishing!!
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
5th grade
The 5th grade classes from Bainbridge and Roachdale Elementary Schools visited North Putnam Middle School this morning. This is their first official class picture together.
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
5th grade
The 4th graders had an amazing time last Friday as they got to step back in time and see what life was like in the 1800s.
4 months ago, Dan McMurtry
At Roachdale Elementary, students had an amazing day filled with pizza, spending time with friends, playing games, and celebrating the love of reading.
4 months ago, Dan McMurtry
We tried a new location for our third grade field trip this year. Students went to the Indiana State Museum. It looks like another fun, learning adventure.
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week We are going to have some fun with dress-up days.
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
dress up
The Terre Haute Children's Museum never disappoints!! A lot of great learning and playing take place together.
4 months ago, Beth Waterman
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
field trip
Drug Take Back Day
4 months ago, Beth Waterman