Deck the Staff: We already decked our halls at the school. Our final day before Christmas break was "deck the staff" day. No one entered our building without having a little holiday decor added to their outfit for the day. Even the officers that attended the Grinch's Trial in Miss Ault's room were decked out with some garland. There was so much laughter in our building!!
over 2 years ago, Beth Waterman
dress up
dress up
dress up
dress up
Crafting and community service... Miss Strain's class learned how to sew hats/scarves that are being donated to some folks in need in our county. Dr. Allee visited each class to do a holiday craft with our students. Miss Black's class had fun with tie dye crafting.
over 2 years ago, Beth Waterman
community service
Some of our staff in holiday decor.
over 2 years ago, Beth Waterman
dress up
dress up
dress up
dress up
We hope that each of you have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday and a great start to 2022! We finished out the month of December making a lot of great memories at Roachdale Elementary. I want to share some of our highlights. December was a month of community service, crafting, Christmas songs, Book Blast, Santa Shop and a lot of fun dress up days.
over 2 years ago, Beth Waterman
Book Blast
Book Blast
Book Blast
Book Blast
This morning at approximately 7:40 it was reported over the radio by a school bus driver that there was a gun on the bus. Safety protocols were followed, no students or adults were in danger at any time, and all students were delivered to school safely. The student was a lower elementary student who told another student he had a gun in his backpack. That student followed training and reported immediately to the bus driver who controlled the situation. As it turns out, the gun was a broken airsoft gun. Kudos to the students on the bus who did as they were taught and especially to the bus driver who handled the situation calmly and safely.
over 2 years ago, Terry Tippin
Our spell bowl team enjoyed a pizza party today. Proud of these students for representing Roachdale Elementary!!
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Spell bowl  21-22
Spell bowl  21-22
Spell bowl  21-22
Spell bowl  21-22
We had a great group of volunteers and our own North Putnam Maintenance crew work together to install boards for our Story Walk around our walking track today. The boards will have laminated pages of books placed on them. Students and visitors to our walking track will be able to walk around and read a book. We look forward to laminating some of our own students' work and securing it for poetry walks and reading our own authentic stories. We will have a ribbon-cutting ceremony soon which will unveil the first book for our story walk.
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Story Walk
Story Walk
Story Walk
We have an amazing group of student leaders at Roachdale Elementary! Thanks to our Student Council for helping Mr. McMurtry with the finishing touches of our latest rock project.
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Student Council
Student Council
The Indiana State Dept. of Education has announced the top school corporations in the state based on 2021 IRead 3 passing data. We are SO excited to share that North Putnam School Corporation placed in the top 20 in the state, with 95.5% of 3rd grade students passing the exam. Congratulations to the students and staff at both Roachdale and Bainbridge Elementary Schools for a job well done!
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
October Citizenship: We are excited to share our October Citizens of the Month. Some of our winners were not available for their picture today. We will post additional class citizens later in the week.
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
We are proud of our 12 students that signed up and participated in Spell Bowl yesterday. We joined in a virtual competition with other schools around the state. Great job to all are participants and thank you to our parent coaches, Carolyn Huffman and Samantha Zimmer. We are looking forward to growing our teams next year.
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Spell bowl  21-22
Spell bowl  21-22
Spell bowl  21-22
Some more of our students that earned citizenship or top walkers.
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Monthly Awards
Monthly Awards
Monthly Awards
Monthly Awards
1st 9 weeks honor roll
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
1st 9 weeks honor roll
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll 1st 9 weeks
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll 1st 9 weeks
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll 1st 9 weeks
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll 1st 9 weeks
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll 1st 9 weeks
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
Honor roll
1st 9 weeks Honor Roll Congratulations to all!!
almost 3 years ago, Beth Waterman
Honor Roll
Honor Roll
Honor Roll
Honor roll